Short Attention Span

My dear friend Biff approached me about making some album art for a compilation he was putting together called Short Attention Span. The concept is simple – all songs under 2 and a half minutes. I believe this was extended to under 3 minutes, but only 4 songs took advantage of the extra time. Anyway, I loved the idea and was excited to get something together for it. The photo is a shot I took from the parking garage I park in on the daily in Wilmington.  I just loved the sweeping and cluttered look of it. Because of the nature of this compilation, and really any compilation, and how they almost serve as a soundtrack, I wanted this to look like a movie title shot. The album was just released on Monday night, and it’s free! So please take advantage of this and download it. It’s 24 bands/artists, and I really think it wound up being a pretty cohesive and flowing comp.

I’ll have you know I actually have a song on here as well. While I’m not playing music as much these days, I still loving writing and recording songs, and any excuse to do that is good enough for me. So check out the newest Wood Goold song titled “Rolling In Our Eyes” by giving this a download.