Music Monday 5.24.10 – 5.16.11

Well, it’s been a full year of doing these little old Music Monday posts. I started making posters for my “most listened to artist for the week (according to” one year ago, and for 52 weeks have made something every Monday. I decided to make a collage of the work, much as I did the last time. It’s nice to see everything all next to each other and see how I evolved, or what waves of style I went though, or better, the waves of music I had interest in.
However, I think this is going to be the end of Music Monday if not forever then at least for a while. I sort of like doing things with a definitive start and end, and a year is a pretty good time to round things out. It’s been great, but I don’t want to be locked down to doing this anymore on a week to week basis. There’s many more projects I’ll probably work myself into, and I’m excited to do something completely different. Or maybe something terribly similar. Who knows.

Music Monday 1.3.11 The Tallest Man On Earth

Still very obsessed with The Tallest Man On Earth and so I made a companion piece to the poster I made last week. It’s like a night and day thing. A land and sea thing. You can see that though, I mean, obviously. But yea, this guy is incredible, every song is incredible, and I’m just wrapped up in all of it.

Listened to Real Estate for the first time in a while this past week. That was a huge album for me in 2010, which I would have easily put on the best of the year list, but it actually came out in 2009. Still, a really fantastic album that is surprisingly appropriate for every season of the year.

I wonder if next week will be a 3rd poster for TTMON…. do people abbreviate it like that? Sorry, I’m tired.

Music Monday 12.6.10 Sufjan Stevens

So here’s another embarrassingly late Music Monday post with none other than our boy Sufjan Stevens. I’d be lying if I said I don’t eagerly wait until Dec. 1st to appropriately break out his Songs For Christmas. Talk about a collection; this guy put out a BOX SET of Christmas music. Over the past few years it has become the soundtrack of my Decembers, and have the intention for it to be that way for years to come. Let’s face it, he’s a king, and this should come as no surprise to anyone. If you don’t have this, well, you’re on the internet, fix that problem.

Also got into The Hellacopters this week. It’s some good old rock music that sort of makes you feel like a cool guy listening to it. I mean, this is the most pathetic description ever. Just think MC5 or something like that.

Music Monday 11.1.10 Sufjan Stevens

Surprise, surprise, surprise. Sufjan’s yet again at the top of my listening charts this week. The fact that he was a discography the size of the real Illinois certainly helps, but it’s mostly because by the time I’m done listening to to one album, I want to move onto another. This process can go on for sometime as he’s got quite the range of albums stylistically.

Anyway, some of you may know that the name “Sufjan” means “comes with a sword.” And that is the key to this poster. Sufjan’s sword is certainly not literal, but it is absolutely metaphorical.

I also finally got a chance to see Local Natives this past week. And boy oh boy, really glad that happened. They said the first time they played Philly it was for 2 people at The Khyber… all things considered, what an enormous way they’ve come. The Troc was packed to the brim, and it was shaking at times. I would certainly do your best to see them anytime you can.

Music Monday 10.4.10 Sufjan Stevens

Sufjan Stevens released another album. Am I surprised? Well actually, surprisingly, no. By now I’m not surprised by anything he does, or how, or when he does it. He’s producing such a high quantity of quality. So much on both accounts that it’s left him fairly unparalleled. The Age Of Adz is his latest; a proper full length (his first since Illinois some could argue) and it’s on a different page from anything we’ve heard yet. It’s Enjoy Your Rabbit meets The BQE meets All Delighted People. But more importantly it’s just really good. I’m certain that we’ll be teaching Sufjan Stevens to our future music majors of the world, and I’m even more certain we’ll be hearing Chicago at high school football games half time shows in 2050. Probably sooner. I’m sure it’s already happened.

Anyway, I wanted to make something that touched on not only the very electronic side of Sufjan, but also the colorful and layered nature to all his music.

Music Monday 7.26.10 Arcade Fire

Although I haven’t gotten to listen to it more than two times through, Arcade Fire’s new record The Suburbs has got me going. I have to admit, I’ve always liked but never loved Arcade Fire, but this record has me really impressed. I will certainly be listening to this throughout this week, and I wouldn’t be surprised if it tops next week’s chart as well. I read today that they describe the record as Neil Young meets Depeche Mode, and I’d say yes to that. This poster is some experimenting with patterns.

I also revisited a record that made up a good amount of my time in high school in Modest Mouse’s The Moon And Antarctica. I hadn’t listened to it in such a long time and had a longing for it. In my opinion, this is by far their best record.

I got the pleasure of creating some album art for my friend Josh Dean’s new album, which he gave me some live recordings of the songs as inspiration and that accounts for Murder Boats. If they are any indication of what’s to come on the record, and I think they are, we are all in for a very big treat. Josh Dean goes electric!

Music Monday 7.19.10 Best Coast

When I first heard Best Coast I hated them. But then one day I heard the song Something In The Way in a new way, and I was changed forever. Now, I’m at the point where I can’t get enough, and thankfully this past week I got their new album, Crazy For You, and I’m crazy for it. It’s warm and fuzzy and she’s got that perfect voice. All the songs are about falling in love, or already being there, and it’s to me, the perfect sound of summer 2010. I give this a strong approval and recommendation.

Other things to take note of is that for the first time in the 4 years I was aware of them and on and off listening, I finally understood Woods and really enjoyed listening to them. I don’t know what clicked, but something did. I was cleaning my old bookshelves while listening to this, and it was really late at night, and the music added something to that.

I also realized that Pedro The Lion’s Achilles Heel is my favorite thing David Bazan has done.

I also listened to The Books new album, which classic Books, but I like that. If you like there other stuff, this won’t disappoint.

Music Monday 6.28.10

I’ve been waiting a long time to finally hear The Drums new self titled full length pretty much since I first heard their EP, and it was certainly what I was hoping it would be. As almost defined by their EP’s title, these guys are summer time. I’m loving this.

I also gave listens to a few bands I’ve been hearing so so so much about. Those being Flying Lotus, Ariel Pink’s Haunted Graffiti, and Janelle Monáe none of which sounded like I had imagined them to, but I enjoyed all, & Flying Lotus the most . Janelle Monáe’s song Tightrope is bonkers, but the rest of the album is kind of a let down like most pop artist’s albums are.

Check out The Drums new album, and slide over to my if that’s what you’re into.

Music Monday 6.7.10

Well again, got a little jerky with me and some of these are carry-overs from last week. But the important thing is that finally, Wye Oak hit a stride with me. I had gotten their album The Knot a while back and for months it didn’t really do anything for me. Well finally, and thankfully I heard it with a new set of ears and just loved it. Take It In, Siamese, and Talking About Money is one of the greatest 3 song processions I’ve ever heard. I finally understand the buzz about this band and they are worth all of it. Don’t make the same mistake I did, and start listening to these guys now.

This was also a week for The Nerves as I finally got their album of demos, b-sides and live recordings, One Way Ticket. I love these guys. They have the best pop songs.

Also this week led me to The Trashmen a 60s surf rock band who’s song Surfin’ Bird I’m sure you’ve heard before. Very summer, very cool. Check it out.

As per usual, hit me up on

Music Monday 5.10.10

I was feeling Blitzen Trapper a bit this week. I had got my hands on Furr a while back which is a pretty good album, and a very good song. This week though, I was more about Wild Mountain Nation, which was a recommend of Jeff, and that’s another instance of a great title track song. I don’t know how to categorize these guys really, some of it sounds like it’s from 1969, and some of it is more modern, but just very weird. However, weird isn’t bad, and these guys are certainly worth a check out. Also, I love the song Saturday Nite.

Best Coast. Can I take a minute to say this band just grew on me in the biggest way possible? I’m seriously loving her stuff, coming from thinking it was just okay. The song Something In The Way is one of the catchiest songs I’ve heard this year and it’s usually in my head at least once a day. She’s writing some great melodies and mixing them with a fuzzy guitar sound, but deep down most of the songs are just awesome pop songs.

I had a need for Luke Brandfon this week. Luke has this strangely enormous canon of songs that range from really minimal acoustic diddies to really complex multi-instumental 6 minute songs. He’s one of the most honest and in love song writers I know and also one of the nastiest musicians I’ve heard. While all his recorded songs fair closer to the traditional song in one way or another, his live sets are something very different and maybe even more incredible. He does looping better than anyone I’ve seen or heard. A lot of guys with a loop pedal are boring me after their first press, but with Luke you somehow forget he’s looping anything. I love seeing him play because you can see his mind work, and it’s incredible how precise he is with what he does. Most of you probably don’t know him, and might have trouble getting access to his music, so if anyone wants anything, I’d be glad to hook you up.

Death Vessel is one of my favorite bands who can never steer me wrong. I happened to catch them with The Books in 2006 and I remember not being able to tell if the singer was a woman or a man. I was far enough away, and his hair was long enough to fool my eyes, but his voice is in such a high register that it sounds so much like a woman, it’s hard to believe it isn’t. This unique quality certainly sets them apart from any other band I know. He’s also a great lyricist and the music is really good folk based rock. I always recommend this band to anyone who hasn’t heard them, and I’m doing the same right now. Stay Close is one of my favorite albums ever.

I somehow got a hold of Tame Impala’s upcoming album Innerspeaker and for those who are anticipating this, you’ve got a gem coming your way. Their little 5 song EP was only a slight indication of what they’re capable of. They are supposedly touring with MGMT soon, so along with their record release, it won’t be long before these guys blow up.

The Soft Pack is another relatively new band I’m feeling. It’s kind of west coast punky but still poppy and not at all corny. I saw a video of these guys playing ten shows in one day to promote their new record and I loved it. The self titled record pretty much draws you in right away. This is a major summer album. Get it while it’s hot!

Harlem is still doing me right. I’m still surprised by how much I like this band, considering I went into them thinking I wouldn’t care for them too much. A definite must hear.

I finally had the chance to see GIVERS again this past Tuesday. I caught them in November opening for Dirty Projectors and was blown away. Since then I’ve been waiting and waiting for them to come around and after a few canceled shows because of the February snow storm, the wait was getting unbearable, but my hopes and dreams finally came true at Kung Fu Necktie, which by the way is an awesome bar/venue. I can’t stress how much I love these guys and girl. They by far have one of the best live shows I’ve seen, ever. Too much energy, too many priceless faces, and too much dancing. It was also great seeing them knowing their songs this time, and it was even more fun seeing how they riffed and jammed on the regular. This is going to be one of the strongest recommends I’ll ever give, so please see them live, get their EP, and GIVERS, if you’re reading this, I’m looking for the full length ASAP!

I may be changing the format of how I do music monday soon, but I will talk a little more about it next week, which will most likely be the final week of this current state. It’s not going anywhere, but it is changing. Add me on if you’re on there.